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Companies That Are Generally Strong On Innovation

When it comes to company innovation the big innovative companies that spring to mind include…


A company who over the years, has created super cool, well designed innovative products that simply everyone seems to want.

Go into a crowded room and ask people to raise their arm if they own an apple product – it is suggested that if you did such a thing that over 80% of the room would be able to raise their arm.

They are probably the king of innovation at the moment, not only do they create fantastic new products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad but they have also made fantastic innovations in terms of their iTunes software that creates a novel and innovative way to purchase music legally, online from the music companies. Now, however, replaced by yet another innovation that of streaming music services such as the ones provided by Spotify and apple themselves.

They’re also very innovative with their branding – most Apple products have a cool image and incorporate intuitive, easy to use interfaces. Click here for more information on Apple innovation Apple innovations seem to just keep on coming and they also seem to keep on delighting the population at large. This particular article looks at apple innovations in terms of revenue streams.

apple logo

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

General Electric:

Who evaluates employees on growth traits which include innovation-oriented themes and risk evaluation skills.

Southwest Airlines:

Who are big leaders in process innovation?

Procter & Gamble:

A highly innovative company that has more recently made news by transforming its traditional research and development efforts into a more open innovation approach where it is now incorporating the collective knowledge of the outside world as initiators to their new innovation projects. They now employ people to scout for ideas in a similar fashion to scouts who look for potential in future sporting athletes.

Hewlett Packard

Another innovative and interesting company is Hewlett Packard who prides itself on their innovative culture. They created the first pocket-sized calculator, have numerous chemical analytical device instrumentations, medical innovations and let’s not forget their many printing innovations.


A more recent company is the Taiwanese company HTC who specializes in the mobile device market and who has had tremendous growth in this area due to their innovation. They were responsible for manufacturing the first-ever Google phone.

HTC’s mission statement is “to become the leading innovative supplier of mobile information and communication devices by providing value-added design, world-class manufacturing and logistic and service capabilities.”


Regarded by many as an extremely innovative company and responsible for such popular innovations as Scotch Guard and the ‘post-it note’. 3M has over a one-hundred-year history of producing innovative products and they award grants to successful scientists and researchers who propose innovative projects. Click here for more information on 3M innovation.

And finally, an article about company innovation would not be complete without mentioning…


Who are probably most famous for their search and advertising innovations. They demonstrate their latest and greatest ideas to people via their Google labs site and have set out to digitize books, maps, streets.


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