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Innovation Books

A warm welcome to the innovation books section of the website, featuring a collection of books on the fascinating subject of innovation.

There is a wealth of information out there for people who want to be more innovative, make the organizations in which they work more innovative or simply to understand more about the subject of innovation.

innovation books

I intend to order each of these books by their ranking on GoodReads at the time of me adding them to the list. I haven’t added any personal reviews as I think sites like GoodReads and Amazon themselves already do a great job of that. That said, if you’ve read any of the books listed please let me know what you thought of it in the comments section at the end of this page.

Also, please leave a comment if you’ve read any other innovation books that you feel should be listed on this page.

Many thanks, Martin.

Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs

by Larry Keeley, Bansi Nagji, Helen Walters

GoodReads Ranking 4.18



Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles

by Peter F. Drucker

GoodReads Ranking 4.06



The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm

by Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman, Tom Peters (Foreword)

GoodReads Ranking 3.97



The New Killer Apps: How Large Companies Can Out-Innovate Start-Ups

by Chunka Mui, Paul B. Carroll, James Madara (Foreword)

GoodReads Ranking 3.90


The Other Side of Innovation: Solving the Execution Challenge

by Vijay Govindarajan, Chris Trimble

GoodReads Ranking 3.88


HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Innovation (with Featured Article “The Discipline of Innovation,” by Peter F. Drucker)

by Harvard Business Review

GoodReads Ranking 3.86


The Innovation Book: How to Manage Ideas and Execution for Outstanding Results

by Max McKeown

GoodReads Ranking 3.71


The Innovation Expedition: A Visual Toolkit to Start Innovation

by Gijs van Wulfen

GoodReads Ranking 3.71

ON Innovation

by Terry Jones

GoodReads Ranking 3.67

Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation: What They Can’t Teach You at Business or Design School

by Idris Mootee

GoodReads Ranking 3.63

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