Rock And Roll While You Stroll

May 1963…
Rock and roll while you stroll with this new battery-powered radio-phonograph which will play 45-r.p.m. records while being carried. It will even play when turned upside down.
Both radio and record player operate on a single battery of four D-size flashlight cells.
Records are held on a freely turning spindle with spring clips. A rubber wheel in contact with the record rim turns the disk.
The motor is transistor-regulated to save battery energy. A plastic lid snaps in place in front to enclose and protect the machinery while it is operating.
Play is semi-automatic – you put the record on the spindle and push a button. The tonearm comes down automatically and also returns to the starting position when the record is finished.
The “Swing-Along” was marketed by Channel Master and was priced at $79.95