Disposable Paint Brushes

Disposable paint brushes. You’d buy long strips of bristles, cut off a piece as needed, and slip it into one of a set of various size holders.
By Joseph A. Slais, Riverside, Ill.
May 1960
Disposable paint brushes are widely used for cleaning, applying, coating, and painting. The most commonly used type of paint brush is the cylindrical brush, which is made by folding a paper or plastic tube about a cylindrical wire core. The wire core is generally a small diameter nylon core or stainless steel wire and the bristles are formed of materials such as polyester or nylon. These brushes are made by a number of ways including (a) placing bristles at one end of the core and folding the tube around the core, (b) placing bristles at both ends of the core and folding the tube around the core, and (c) spirally wrapping bristles about the core.
They are used in various fields for painting surfaces of walls and the like. A conventional disposable paintbrush includes a grip body and a plurality of bristles arranged on the grip body. The grip body includes a grip section extending from the end of the grip body and a handle section provided at the end of the grip section. Bristles are fixed to the grip body and extend from a brush end.
You can purchase disposable paint brushes from Amazon